3 Time-Saving Tips for Following Up With Your Leads

Do you have leads that you have yet to follow up with? Do you have a stack of business cards or a database full of leads just waiting for you to call them? It’s been said that your fortune is in your follow-up, so how are you doing with following up and following through with this essential business building activity? Most busy moms struggle with finding the time to call prospects because often they’re swallowed up most often during the day caring for their children and other performing other family commitments. And most often they’re too tired to make calls
How to Get More Work Done

Are you a mother of small children who is looking for ways to get more work done on your business during the week? Your days can be very busy, and the time that you have to devote strictly to build your business can be very elusive it you’re not careful to plan your days carefully to ensure it gets the quality time it needs so you can pay your bills and accomplish your financial goals. Below are some tips to help you to better carve out that much needed time so you can get things done and grow your empire
How to Generate Your First 100 Leads With Facebook

Are you looking for more Business Leads? When you’re just starting a new business venture, one of your biggest challenges will be to find enough people to talk to in order to gather interest in your product, service, or opportunity so that you can begin earning an income to help support your ongoing business expenses, and your family. This can be very stressful, especially for new business owners. Sometimes, new business owners can make things a bit more complicated than they need to be when it comes to figuring out how to get the word out to the masses. Below