How to Motivate Your Teammates to Build Their Businesses

If you’re in Network Marketing and you’re struggling to motivate your teammates (those in your organization) to work their businesses so that they can reach their goals, this can be a very tricky situation. One common mistake that Network Marketing professionals who lack the experience that they need often make is that they erroneously assume that it’s their job to “motivate” their teammates. The truth is that there is no amount of motivation (the external kind, that is) that will be sufficient to move your teammates from a lack of activity to true business success. That’s simply too difficult a task to accomplish. The MLM industry is big on encouraging business owners to routinely call their teammates, and give them the “pep-talk” so that they remain motivated enough to make sales and grow their own organizations. Often, what ends up happening is that by doing this, you become a cheerleader which is not who you want to be known as, nor is it something you can maintain over any length of time. This is because you also have a business to build, and you cannot possibly follow up with all of your teammates and try to keep them all motivated to work their businesses. This method will fall apart…and so will you! :-).
Instead, I’m going to suggest another option for you. Rather than attempting to motivate your teammates, why don’t you work on INSPIRING THEM? Inspiration is something that sticks far better than motivation. You can inspire your team by simply letting your teammates see you building your business. Instead of sharing ways that they can work their businesses, share how you’re building yours. Let them know how many people you talked to that month, how many people said “Yes” to your opportunity and joined your team, and what positive things are happening in your business. When people see what you’re doing, and understand that you’re intent on going to the top of the company, they will be more likely to want to work their own business…if for nothing more than the fact that they fear being left behind as you work your way to a successful business. So, rather than trying to coax them into working their business, you’re instead showing them that it’s possible to build a thriving business and you’re showing them how it can be done. Before you know it, they’ll be reaching out to you to get your help and guidance as they begin to work on re-engaging their businesses again.
I hope this was helpful. Feel free to comment and share, and as always, I’m here for you. How can I help you today? Fill out the contact form and let’s connect.