How to Generate Your First 100 Leads With Facebook

Are you looking for more Business Leads? When you’re just starting a new business venture, one of your biggest challenges will be to find enough people to talk to in order to gather interest in your product, service, or opportunity so that you can begin earning an income to help support your ongoing business expenses, and your family. This can be very stressful, especially for new business owners. Sometimes, new business owners can make things a bit more complicated than they need to be when it comes to figuring out how to get the word out to the masses. Below is a fool-proof way to generate your first 100+ leads in just a single day using Facebook, so that you can begin reaching out to people to talk about what it is that you have to offer.
This method is really quite easy, as you will simply take a note of all of your friends (whether they’re your actual friends or not), and tally up a list of people who have actually “Friended” you on Facebook. What you’re trying to do here is simply begin working through this list to identify people who you would feel comfortable reaching out to to discuss your product, service, or opportunity. I personally recommend that you reach out to each one of them, as your chances of success will grow dramatically with a bigger list.
Once you have your list identified, the next step is to craft a personal invitation that you will send to those people individually through Facebook Messenger (privately) so that each of them feels a bit special for being contacted privately. Once your message is sent, the floodgates will begin to open as you’ll have opportunities for much dialogue regarding what it is that you’d like to present to them. With that being said, let’s talk a bit about what you will want to say in that private message.
Here is an example of a private message I recently sent out to a group of facebook friends as a way to presenting a business opportunity I had available at that particular time:
Me: Hello ________ , How are you? Long time no see! I have an idea that I’d like to run by you and I was wondering if you had a quick minute to talk sometime this week.
FB Friend: Hello Sheril. You can call me on my lunch tomorrow at 1 pm.
Me: Thanks ________. I’ll talk to you at 1 pm.
FB Friend: Great, I’ll talk to you then!
This method must have taken me two minutes to do, and it didn’t require me to spend any time trying to explain what I’m doing, why it’s important, and why they should give me a few minutes of their time. Now, should someone ever ask what you’re up to, then you should be honest with them about what you’re thinking. I always operate my business 100% above board as Jesus is the one who sets the standard with regard to how I relate to, and treat others. Besides, would you really want to start a business relationship off on the wrong foot? That’s not a good recipe for success.
Considering it took me all of two minutes to craft, send, and confirm the conversation with my prospect, I was able to schedule 20 conversations within 60 minutes EASY. I hope you get where I’m going with this…If you only reached out to 5 people per day (assuming a Monday through Friday work week), you can talk to, literally, 100 people in your first month. Considering it would only take you about 20 minutes per day to use this Facebook prospecting method, you could expect some serious activity, sales, and people wanting to look at your business opportunity.
I’d be glad to help you to refine this technique so that it fits your particular situation perfectly, so feel free to reach back out to me if you want to strategize about how to make this marketing strategy work for you.
It’s fast, easy, and doesn’t require but a fraction of your time each day.
If you try it, let me know how it went, and what type of results you achieved.