Sunny Days are Ahead!
Sunny Days are indeed ahead because you’ve landed on this website! If you’re a busy mom with endless to-do lists, multiple priorities, and a huge desire to impact change in your life, you’re not alone. I was there. In many ways, I still am. As a mother of 2 active children, a husband, and an aging parent in my care, I can feel overwhelmed at times, but one thing that I learn daily is that the Lord provides ample grace for me, and all that he’s called me to, each and every day. For that reason, I feel so grateful to be able to help women like you create the life that God has intended for you.
One of my favorite passages in scripture is Proverbs 31. It encourages me because there are so many wonderful verses that honor the mother and wife who’s eyes stay focused on Him, and who work diligently to serve her family through the ingenuity and skill He has blessed her with. I strive to be that woman each and every day but know that it’s a journey. This picture encourages me because I know that as long as I have the Son, I can do and be all that I can for His glory alone! So, yes, sunny days are indeed ahead…for me and you, my fellow Proverbs 31 woman.
Do and be…all for the Glory of God!
Enjoy my website, and please don’t forget to share with anyone you believe will receive encouragement and strength from visiting my site.
Be Blessed and Inspired!